Pierce Corcoran,22,Killed by Illegal Immigrant

Pierce Kennedy Corcoran(August 4th, 1996-December 29th, 2018)was killed in a head on car crash on Chapman Highway in Knoxville, TN. The other driver in question, Franco Cambrany Francisco Eduardo, is being detained by ICE on charges of illegal immigration, failure to have a driver’s license and failure to purchase car insurance.

The following is a message from Pierce’s mother, Wendy Corcoran:

A Mother’s Message:

Pierce Corcoran was only 22 years old when he was killed by an illegal immigrant in a car crash on December 29th, 2018.

Pierce Corcoran, born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee. A responsible, hardworking and loving son, brother and grandson. Pierce’s life is to be remembered and celebrated for his relationship with his Heavenly Father, his love for others, and his determination to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Was he perfect? No, but he was taught to care about others and his impact on them. He was taught and practiced personal responsibility throughout his life. He was compassionate towards others, others whom might look differently than he or whom might speak differently than he.

As we mourn our precious son and try to honor his memory, we are also faced with the fact that there is much discussion surrounding his tragic death.

For us, there are two issues: safety and responsibility. As it pertains to safety, we are not the first, nor will we be the last to lose a loved one on a road known to many as dangerous. This is something we feel must be addressed. As it pertains to responsibility, we as parents taught all three of our children to be responsible for their actions. We discussed with them their need to maintain their vehicles and always have their license, registration and insurance up to date.

Everyone is well aware that the 44 year old man involved in our 22 year old’s death did not practice this same responsibility and has not done so for 14 years.

It’s not about where this man came from–it’s the fact that he takes no personal responsibility for his actions. Not only in the financial sense, but no responsibility at all. He will most likely face very little jail time when all is said and done. He believes he should remain in our country illegally. Not only that, but we provide his counsel to fight for his rights.

We are all aware, as a family, that nothing will bring Pierce back, but don’t tell me my son, who lived in this country and followed its rules, doesn’t deserve better. For God’s sake, out of respect for the men and women who fought and fight to make this country such a desirable place to live, DO THE RIGHT THING and come here legally and become a responsible citizen.

164 Replies to “Pierce Corcoran,22,Killed by Illegal Immigrant”

  1. I cannot imagine the pain your family feels loosing Pierce. Unfortunately accidents happen and are a part of life we cannot always prevent. But as Americans we have the ability to help prevent a majority of illegal immigration which in hindsight could have prevented this accident. My thoughts and prayers our with your family. The pain never goes away but with time hopefully it will get easier.

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    1. It’s time to stop the illegals from coming in our country. Yes it could have been anyone, but it wasn’t. Another illegal person. Somehow we have to unite and have this stopped. Our President is sick of this and continues to want the wall! I agree with him. But we need to unite to get change. We need to back our President! I’m so sorry for your loss! I can’t even imagine😢

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      1. You are so right. Our hearts still ache for Officer Singh and another innocent life is taken that could have been avoided. This happens far more than we realize because the bias media will not report the tragedies.

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    2. I lost my beautiful 21 year old to s drunk driver 5 yrs ago. He had no licences, no insurance, wrong plates on car. The hospital let him walk. When she died, November 25, 2013 he was charged with vehicular manslaughter. December 2 he fled back to El Salvador. This was his 4th DWI. In 2015 his charges were dropped. He is free. We done even know if he’s back here but if I ever see him. He better run fast.

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      1. That is a tragedy! He runs freely, with no responsibility for your daughter’s death and on top of that he is illegally in our country, drunk when hit your daughter. She had her whole life ahead of her, parents who loved her and will always miss her, family, friends. And it may happen again.
        My son who was 26 was in a car accident, no one to blame. He was rushing to his step daughter’s kindergarten graduation during his lunch hour when he lost control of his car, was in a coma for a week, then passed. Although he was gone and missed horribly by many, he left a daughter who was 18 months old at the time that I was blessed with. My Granddaughter is 24 today and a 4 year college graduate of Accounting with honors.and found an amazing job. Although life will never be the same for us, I continue to live in grief, memories, pictures. Time helps some, but I will never get over him not being here on earth, I’ve just learned to live with it.

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      2. I am SO very sorry and I bet it’s even harder for you without closure. Something is really wrong with our Lack of justice. I’ll never understand why people want to protect criminal Illegals. Makes me sick. I hope some day you’ll see justice and one tiny bit of your heart may heal.

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      1. If we have a wall we have a deterrent! Walls around pools, playgrounds, parks, prisons, homes, etc ALL help keep unwanted people OUT! The Wall is No different. They work everywhere in every country and were build for the same reason. Oldest Ancient Walls of Mesopotamia are 11,500 yr.s old and if they didn’t work why are we still using wall to protect ourselves? The more difficult a wall makes illegal entry the fewer will try! Anyone who thinks walls don’t work need to take a few dozen Illegals in THEIR home if you think they are SO great!! Put some action where your mouth is!!

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    3. The pain never gets easier either. I lost my precious nephew Nov 16, 2017. It is now a little over a year and still we cry every day. He left behind a wife and little girl who was under a year old and his wife was pregnant with their second baby. He did not know they were having another baby girl, and he was over the moon happy, so much so that he carried a ultra sound of the baby in his lunch bucket every day to work. He told his wife that he would like to have a little boy, but she was even more beautiful pregnant so if this one was a girl, they would just have to try again. She cries now saying , now we will never have that chance to try again. He had everything he ever wanted in his life. They had just bought a farm a few months before, and were making it ready for his goats. He had his beautiful little girl whom he doted on so much. All he ever wanted was to be a daddy. And he only got to be a daddy for 11 mo. He was taken from us so violently, on his way home from work. We know no details of what, or why it happened. His truck just went into a spin and it finally hit 3 trees head on, and burst into flames. I pray he was killed instantly and did not know about the fire.He was such a good and kind soul, willing to help anyone and everyone. He never met a stranger, he was always honest in any dealings he had with the goats. He had a wonderful reputation far and wide. He was well respected within the community. Why the Lord chose to take him home so early in his life and in such a violent manner, we will never understand. He was just 26 days into his 24th yr. He and his wife had only been married for a yr and a half. Sorry I got carried away, but I just really wanted to say that the pain never gets easier.
      Many prayers for the family and friends of Pierce. He was such a fine young man.

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  2. I am amazed that you were able to put together such a well written article at such a sad time. I would be a basket case. You are in my prayers. As you say, the illegal portion is overshadowed by the responsibility portion. Hoping for a fair and just verdict.

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  3. The U.S. Catholic bishops have NEVER made any statement mentioning the thousands of Americans murdered, killed, raped, and maimed by illegal aliens.

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    1. Religious organizations including the Catholic Church ofvwhich I am a member continue to encourage and provide refuge for illegals to collect money from the government for doing so


  4. I am so sorry for your loss!! Truly no words can make this loss easier! I pray Lord, our father will see you through this heartbreak! And I pray this person will be held accountable, to the extent of the law!

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  5. I’m so very sorry! We will continue to fight for Pierce. These senseless tragedies need to end. Praying for peace and comfort for you and your family.

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  6. Wendy, so sorry for your loss. Our family experienced this tragedy 10 years ago on January 8, 2009 when my niece’s husband Bruce Frye was killed when an illegal from Knoxville, no license, no insurance, driving a company truck owned by a local business who knew he was an illegal–the illegal could not control the truck and loaded utility trailer and ran the stop sign pulling into the path of Bruce. Bruce died in his truck, in a field on Boyd’s Creek that day leaving behind my niece and his 4 year old daughter. This has just got to stop. God bless you and your family. May He give you peace that only He can give.

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  7. First off I want to send many many prayers to the family , when I heard of this tragic event I could not even imagine the pain , heartache , and sense of loss this poor momma was going through I just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her it was going to be ok , god has her precious son , he needed him but no words during a time like this will heal the pain a family feels when their is the loss of a child , no one should ever ever have to endure this especially due to an illegal whom is on our roads with no regards for any laws ! It’s time people wake up and know that this is not going to be the last tragic death of a loved one due to this same action , I know for myself I have had 2 incidents where it could have been very bad and they honestly do not care ! I feel for this family , this is a major discussion right now and people wake up before it happens to you ! The justice for this family is making things right , you want to be here , come legal ! Loosing one of our own at the hands of an illegal is not fair , this boy didn’t deserve this so everyone who don’t want to loose a loved one we must do something to stop this ! Justice for this poor boy and family means making illegals pay for their crimes and being punished for being here illegal !

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  8. To Pierce’s family and friends, we, as Americans, mourn with you. Though I cannot personally feel the things you do to lose a son, I am grief stricken knowing that to some of the politicians that are against border security, your sons death has no merit to them. I am beyond sick and tired of these people who put illegal immigrants above Americans. We, as Americans are sick and tired of hearing about these things happening over and over and over, with the perpetrator not having to suffer severe consequences, not only for being here illegally, but also for not respecting our laws and our people. These governments, local and state, should be held accountable for their actions in these matters. If these people are on an ICE hold, they should not be allowed to walk free. I hope you are able to retain a good attorney and bring those responsible for this person being amongst the general population, to justice. I’m tired of these snowflakes wanting to change our culture to adapt to theirs because they are unwilling to adapt to ours. If you want to keep your culture, stay where you’re at. Please take solace in knowing our hearts cry for you and your family, knowing our governments have failed you, and they continue to do so on a daily basis.

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    1. It sickens me to know how stupid some of our leaders are. They have such hatred for President Trump they don’t give a damn about what is happening to our U.S. citizens. All they care about is getting power. President Trump has done more for our country in two years than any other President in my time. All these wonderful people being killed by illegals breaks my heart. I pray for this family for their loss. I have felt for some time something awful is going to happen to our country. It just can’t continue like this with disrespect and ignorance of democratic leaders. Something is going to happen. It is…

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    1. God forgive me for saying this, but I hope one day they too feel the pain this poor family is feeling…maybe then they will finally do the right thing!

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  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I too have buried my son. He was 21 and my only birth child. My heart and soul mourn with you. I know God can see you through. I pray God’s peace be with your entire family.

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  10. VERY well said Mrs.Wendy Corcoran. I praise God alone for the strength you are showing and the truth you speak and share! May He continue to give you His strength and patience through this terrible ordeal! It is beyond my comprehension to understand how so many Americans can still be “just fine” and actually vote in favor of open borders in our country!! My heart breaks for you and your family as well as it does for this great “God founded” nation of ours. May He have mercy on those among us who seem so blinded by the lies of the ignorant on the national news and in our own Governing body! God bless you for your testimony and your love for others! Stay strong in our Lord and be well. ❤ Gary Thompson West Virginia

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  11. I’m very sorry to see that you’ve lost your son in an accident. There’s nothing more devastating and tragic. We lost our grandson in an accident 9/17/2018, he was like a son. Prayers to your family and friends for strength and healing in dealing with the loss and grief.
    Prayers that our country maintain a United voice in standing for security and protection of our people.

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  12. I am so very sorry for your family’s loss of yourvson. This is heartbreaking. May you feel the love and peace that God gives when we suffer loss and may you find comfort from those who care and love your family. I also hope that swift justice prevails for he who broke our laws.

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  13. My heart goes out to you. We lost our youngest brother at age 22, he was in the military, but it was a senseless act nevertheless. I know your loss is heartbreaking, I will pray for you and your family at this time. God be with you and comfort our.

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  14. There are no words that can be said. I am praying that Our American people who disagree and Politicians can come to some kind of agreement with all of this , finish the wall, come to terms with DACA” and reform immigration laws and most importantlybadhere to the laws on the books. A wall, or structure or “thing” is necessary. To the Cocoran you will be in my prayers. Rest in Peace , Pierce

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  15. I am so very sorry that your wonderful son’s life was taken. Your statement was so well said, I can’t imagine having that composure after such a loss. I am disgusted that our government does not protect and put our citizens first, it truly is mind boggling, and despicable. Peace and blessings to you and your family

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  16. This man has no rights! He is illegal and has killed a young man who had a promising life. He should be charged with vehicular homicide as well. If your not a citizenyou don’t belong here.


  17. I am deeply sorry for your loss, having a 21 yr old son I could not imagine the pain and heartache your family must be going through and my prayers are with you , we all have to take a stand as Americans to stop this madness by the democrat progressivem open boarder party that supports open boarders and sanctuary cities they all are responsible for so many of all races, gender, young and old Americans being killed by illegal immigrants . We are a sovereign nation and a nation of laws , those who violate there constitutional right when sworn in to do so should be removed from office ! Rip Pierce🙏

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  18. I am so sorry for your loss. I too was also in a horrendous car accident. The illegal did not have a license, the car was registered to another person as well as the insurance. They had to cut me out of my car. He gave a fake name and address. My car was totalled, his license plate was embedded in my hub cap. I had to wear a hard neck brace 24/7 for a year, followed by a soft neckbrace for another year. Thank you Jesus for insurance on my car and medical…

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  19. My thoughts and Prayers are with all of Pierce’s family.. A young life taken too soon, I can’t begin to imagine what you are feeling or having to deal with, but I do know that our Lord and Savior can help you.. Lean onto his understanding asking him to guide you… May he give each of you comfort in your time of grief. Rest in Peace Pierce

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  20. Me and my husband are so sorry at the loss of your precious son. We pray that God will give you and your precious family the comfort and peace that only he can give. It is difficult enough when a loved one goes on before us, but when we know there are laws that are there to protect against senseless acts against our families and ourselves, it makes it more difficult. We also pray for the laws to be upheld to protect our American Citizens.
    Just know that your precious son lived to be kind and uphold our laws, and how much he loved you his precious family, and will see him again when you go to where he is.

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  21. I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my 21-yr old son, so I know the pain you are suffering. The fact that it should have been avoided is senseless, and I pray that some day this will change. God bless you and give you the strength you need to carry on and the hope you you will one day be reunited with your son.

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  22. I am so sorry for the lose this family has gone through and the pain they suffer and will continue to suffer. Besides being here illegally and driving with no license or insurance the idea that We as Americans pay for his legal services. America wake up this is so wrong.!!!! He has no rights here. Accident or not if he’d of been in Mexico where he legally belonged. Pierce would still be alive.

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  23. May God grant you comfort in this most difficult time. I totally agree with everything you have so eloquently stated. Big changes need to be made to see that such offenders are punished appropriately!!

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  24. I’m so sorry for your great loss. There are no words that will take away your pain. The only thing we can do as a people of this country is to join together as one to try to put a stop to many illegal people who enter this country evoday. This is what our president is trying to do with much criticism and no help from congress. If I’m not mistaken we the people voted them in and we the people need to get our country back from these selfish people who are serving the wrong people and serve the people of this country who fought for it. Not the ones who are takers and leeches . We have no rights anymore. When it comes to our rights verses theirs ours are taken and given to them. Our Veterans are on the streets while illegals are living in house,eating well, getting medical, and free school lunch’s. All paid for by our government pay no taxes. It’s a shame and a disgrace how some our citizens who are elderly live while this goes on. Shame on the Government!

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  25. Being a family member of FedEx myself we feel your pain so deeply. Their is such comrade amongst the teams of FedEx. We are family! When I heard of your son’s death I was devasted. We had just come off the road from Knoxville ourselves. That could have been any one of us that day. I’m so very very sorry for the loss of your precious son. Your words are so awesome when you wrote this article. People don’t even take personal responsibility anymore! I pray something changes in this country in honor of your son.

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  26. I am so sorry for your loss of such a wonderful son, and for our country’s loss of a responsible citizen. I pray that God will comfort you with His presence and peace, knowing that Pierce is experiencing great joy in His presence.

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  27. Comforting and words of sympathy I am sure are appreciated by you but I am also sure that nothing can ease the horrible pain you are experiencing but I still will say I am so sorry. I totally agree with keeping illegal immigrants out of our country. I cannot understand the logic behind the USA being a sanctuary for them. Really there is no logic. The driver of the vehicle who was an illegal immigrant was driving irresponsibly. Unfortunately many of our own citizens are driving irresponsibly by drinking, talking on their cell phones and texting as well. This goes beyond being irresponsible – it’s downright dangerous! I have noticed a lot of vehicular deaths of late are caused by drivers crossing lanes and wrong way driving. There is no doubt in my mind that they were probably distracted by talking or texting. We must build the wall to keep the illegals out but we must also enforce stricter laws about the use of cell phones while driving. Something must be done. Ticketing and fines are not working.

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  28. I am so sorry for your lost words can not describe the pain you and your family is going thru at this time there is a lot of people who feel like the illegal immigration problem could be stopped some people are dedicated to stopping this I am one of these people some friends of mine decided the best way to deal with this is hands on these are military Veterans if we can stop this from happening to just one family we would love to here is a link to the go fund me you don’t have to donate but if people can pass this around maybe we can make a difference thank you and once again sorry for your lost



  29. God bless your family and I agree with you 100%…. My middle son who is 26 is in the service and he is one who is fighting to make this country free… Well need a wall, but these Democrats don’t care what happens to the American people that is sad… Your son was to young to be taken so REST EASY Pierce….

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  30. I was hot in the side by an illegal immigrant, my car was destroyed, my Grandaughter was in the back seat strapped in a car seat & I my seat belt on, He was texting, pulled out a side road, No insurance, He tried to get me tell the cop his friend was driving, he was the only one in the car, I told the cop & He just laughed, his 3rd time in an accident, I told the cop is it gonna take him killing someone to get him off the streets? As far as I no all he got was a slap on the wrists, if it was my husband he would’ve took him to jail & I told him so, thank God we were ok after all that, but still, it’s not right!!!!

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  31. I an so sorry for the loss of your precious son . My son has been in jail for a year now awaiting trial for a murder that an Illegal immigrant committed in front of my son . My son is innocent, was at the wrong place at the wrong time, didn’t know the Illegal immigrant, and the Illegal was on an ICE detainer in 2014 , left the US and came back illegally the same year. He has a court appointed lawyer while the lawyer my son has has cost me $35, 000 so far. My son is alive but I mourn for his freedom every day. This however does not compare to the hurt your family is feeling, I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

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  32. The United States is moving into a head-on crash with illegals who want to live in this country free of rules. The pity is not only “accidents” like these that happen but also the true immigrants who want to enter this country to escape from brutal treatment where they live. I know of a South African young woman who was beaten almost to death on her farm and who cannot even get a visitor’s visa to the U.S. although she would be a wonderful addition to this country. She wants to enter legally but so many have sneaked across our borders and add nothing but dirt, garbage and reckless behavior to our wonderful country— and who kill and maim our citizens in mindless accidents like this. Several years ago, a woman in the Bay Area of California was lifting her son’s bicycle into the back of her SUV when a drunken illegal wove down the quiet suburban road at high speed and hit her against the bumper of her vehicle, severing her legs. As she was put into the ambulance and before she mercifully lost consciousness, she asked “Am I going to die?”. Wendy, I feel so bad for you and your family but I also feel angry that trespassers have taken over our peace.

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