Pierce Corcoran,22,Killed by Illegal Immigrant

Pierce Kennedy Corcoran(August 4th, 1996-December 29th, 2018)was killed in a head on car crash on Chapman Highway in Knoxville, TN. The other driver in question, Franco Cambrany Francisco Eduardo, is being detained by ICE on charges of illegal immigration, failure to have a driver’s license and failure to purchase car insurance.

The following is a message from Pierce’s mother, Wendy Corcoran:

A Mother’s Message:

Pierce Corcoran was only 22 years old when he was killed by an illegal immigrant in a car crash on December 29th, 2018.

Pierce Corcoran, born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee. A responsible, hardworking and loving son, brother and grandson. Pierce’s life is to be remembered and celebrated for his relationship with his Heavenly Father, his love for others, and his determination to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Was he perfect? No, but he was taught to care about others and his impact on them. He was taught and practiced personal responsibility throughout his life. He was compassionate towards others, others whom might look differently than he or whom might speak differently than he.

As we mourn our precious son and try to honor his memory, we are also faced with the fact that there is much discussion surrounding his tragic death.

For us, there are two issues: safety and responsibility. As it pertains to safety, we are not the first, nor will we be the last to lose a loved one on a road known to many as dangerous. This is something we feel must be addressed. As it pertains to responsibility, we as parents taught all three of our children to be responsible for their actions. We discussed with them their need to maintain their vehicles and always have their license, registration and insurance up to date.

Everyone is well aware that the 44 year old man involved in our 22 year old’s death did not practice this same responsibility and has not done so for 14 years.

It’s not about where this man came from–it’s the fact that he takes no personal responsibility for his actions. Not only in the financial sense, but no responsibility at all. He will most likely face very little jail time when all is said and done. He believes he should remain in our country illegally. Not only that, but we provide his counsel to fight for his rights.

We are all aware, as a family, that nothing will bring Pierce back, but don’t tell me my son, who lived in this country and followed its rules, doesn’t deserve better. For God’s sake, out of respect for the men and women who fought and fight to make this country such a desirable place to live, DO THE RIGHT THING and come here legally and become a responsible citizen.

164 Replies to “Pierce Corcoran,22,Killed by Illegal Immigrant”

    1. No words can take away the pain, I want you to know that you and your family and anyone Pierce was taken from is in my thoughts and prayers that they are comforted by our heavenly father. This letter was extremely well written. I feel everyone should read it, it speaks volumes.

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  1. It’s amazing how we here on the news daily about illegal immigrants and the statistics of how many illegal immigrants are in our prisons, suck up the social security, etc.

    Pierce’s fate you cannot change but illegal immigration can be changed. I will sign anything you need signed to help.

    It is absolutely unfathomable how we have to tip toe around certain politicians and politics to build a wall at our southern borders to continue to protect the citizens of our country. And fighting other politicians disregarding our safety by safeguarding the illegal immigrants.

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  2. To the family of Pierce, I am so sorry for your loss and I’m angry about this accident because it was totally uncalled for. For you, I know and you know as Christians God will provide all your needs, and heal your pain. Praying for you.p

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  3. So sorry for your loss. I agree with you 100% . This illegal immigrant should not be represented and paid for by us the tax payer. It’s like you the parents are paying for this killer to have representation for killing your son. So sad

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  4. My sincere condolences for your loss. Being a mother myself it is not hard to imagine you and your families pain. for it is immense.May God give you comfort during this difficult time.

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    1. Oh thank you so much, Shirley.❤️ I am Pierce’s sister and I myself can only grasp this lost from the perspective of an older sister. My parents have been devastated at the loss of their son and my brother. Thank you so much for your prayers.


  5. So sorry for your loss. I haven’t seen Pierce in a while but all of your children were respectful, responsible, & Loved! Praying for you & your family! I also agree if we keep letting people into our country they need to follow our laws!

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  6. Your family is in our thoughts & prayers!! I agree 100% with everything you said and just know that you have a lot of support behind you. We South Knoxvillians support you as well as your fire department family!

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  7. I am so sorry for this unnecessary loss! I cannot help but wonder that maybe if something had been done to keep him out of our country this wouldn’t have happened and your son would still be alive! Prayers for your family!

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    1. It is hard to fathom, Keith..he had been here 14 years. Pierce would have been 8 when he arrived here. I just wonder how things could have ended up differently..thank you so much for your prayers!


  8. I am so sorry for your loss, no parent should have to endure this. I am for anyone to come to this country legally in order to better their life, but mobs of people should not be able to cross our borders! I pray GOD gives you peace and wonderful memories🙏🏻

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    1. Thank you so much, Jeanette❤️ We are all for doing it the proper way. We have many friends who personally are immigrants and we love them so much! This just seems so senseless to us.


  9. So thankful that you could even write about this Wendy. Hopefully, you have the support of many people in Knoxville and in this country who know that the “lack of feeling responsible” is a major problem. For generations we have followed the rules and the laws that were established to – form a more perfect union. It seems like nowadays we ENABLE more than we PREVENT.
    Pierce should be remembered as a loving, wonderful, caring, responsible person and not become a martyr for immigration reform – that is the “responsibility” of our government (of the people, for the people and by the people).
    We mourn with you and your family and your tremendous loss. Ron and Shirley Merryman

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  10. Very sorry for your loss. No mother lose her son especially like this when it could have been prevented. Words can not explain your suffering right now

    You have our support at reddit.com/the_donald

    We need to fight to never t let another mother suffer like this

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  11. Wendy, I am SO sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot even phathom the pain that each of you are feeling. I miss seeing you, think of you often and I am praying for you, DJ and the whole family! I am also praying that justice will be served on the man who did this. You are right in saying that it doesn’t matter where he is from, if he is illegal, irresponsible and gets by with his actions…then this type of behavior continues. I love you, sending prayers!

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  12. My heart breaks for you and your entire family. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers. I am so thankful, as I know you are, that Pierce knew his Heavenly Father. May God comfort you with his holy peace.

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  13. Continued prayers for your family. This man should not have been allowed to stay in this country illegal. My family will support your family in what ever way is needed.

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  14. I would be willing to sign anything you need just bc it angers me about this illegal situation that should not be. It makes my heart hurt more than I even know how to express. Our children are our treasures & to be taken in such a senseless way is beyond disturbing!!!!!

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  15. So sorry for your loss, your family is in my prayers. I agree with you 100% they need to follow the law (no exceptions). Your dad seems to be so nice. I see him on channel 10 when he is cooking.

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  16. I cannot even begin to imagine your pain. Praying for peace and comfort for you and your family.
    Something must be done about the burden of responsibility this person and many more like him are not forced to take. I will shout from the rooftops about this for your precious son and for all of us.
    I’m so very sorry.

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  17. So sorry for what your family is having to face. My prayers are with your family. Such strenth With Gods help you have. My anger will be kept to myself. If the politicians will not keep these illegal inturders out then we must elect them out. So very wrong. I end with a prase “HEAVEN NOW IS BRIGHTER-BUT THIS WORLD HAS LOST A LIGHT”. My GOD keep and give you peace.

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  18. I can’t imagine the pain you all have experinced. I know many of our cities firemen one that had to come and deliver the terrible news. We are praying for your family as this journey on a new path begins. Chapman Hwy has claimed too many lives and a solution to decrease that loss needs to be at the forefront of the cities budget. As for the person responsible, it’s true it could have been anyone but it wasn’t just anyone. I welcome immigrants that truly want to seek a better life here enough so that they do it legally and contribute to make America stronger. I DO NOT believe in allowing people to be here illegally and that want to consume our lifestyle and in many cases such as this the lives of our people. He should not receive anything from our country and his country should be charged with every resource he consumes from the food he eats to the toilet paper he uses. If other contries have aid they receive from us reduced they may help protect the borders with us. I am so so sorry for you all and will continue to pray for comfort to your hearts. God Bless you!!!

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  19. As a fellow Tennessean I extend my condolences and have your family in my prayers. I am saddened by the tragedy your family is experiencing and outraged by the way it came about. I hope and pray that our politicians do the right thing and provide for our country’s security so that others do not have to experience this. I pray that your family’s pain eases and that you find peace and joy in rememberances of your brother and son, Pierce.

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  20. So very sorry for your families loss- I am grateful that our President is trying to do what needs to be done at the Border, even though the Democrats are fighting him at every turn. Prayers for you and your loved ones.

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  21. To the entire Corcoran family, I admire your strength and determination during this time and am glad you are speaking out. I am not prejudice but for God’s sake, if you want to live in our country, abide by our laws. An innocent life was taken by someone who shows no remorse but I wonder what the consequences would be if this had happened in their country? As a Mama myself, I hope we can stick together and make people held accountable for tragedies such as this. I don’t consider it an accident. This man willingly got behind the wheel of a car knowing he had no license or insurance. I am a Christian and if not, I would be damning his soul to hell. May God wrap his arms around each of you. In Christian love, Jan Weaver

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  22. This is a travisty. I am So sorry for you and your family. The u justice is heartbreaking and your points in this not were so spot on. I am Praying for your families healing. I suppose in som way, you can find comfort knowing the world he is in far outshine this one, it is just so unfortunate he didn’t have more time here to make an impact for all of us. I hope And pray this story can help folks see how tearing your brother from you and your family is horrific enough, the fact that the person is here illegally, that is could have been avoided by our government following OUR laws!!! Finally the heartbreaking piece that is like tearing open a scab is that we pay for his defense. I know In your heartfelt note that you understand it’s Not up to us for vengeance, but it is just as you said….no one here is perfect, accidents happen, but for all actions there are consequences….and to not at least have some peace in that…..well….I just pray More hoping your family can live in the good memories and never lose sight of the amazing piece of you he was. God bless you all. God bless America.

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  23. Mr. & Mrs. Corcoran, Family Friends,
    My heart felt sympathy for each of you in the loss of your son, a brother, grandchild, nephew and friend. There are no words that can even express the loss you feel. Please know that thousands in Knoxville are standing with you in this issue that face our country. Just Christmas Night an officer was gunned down in California during checkpoint. He was killed by an illegal immigrant and had 6 more men helping him escape back to Mexico. Pierce is not the first and will not be the last but like you said in your blog… responsibility. My niece Emery Ward played golf @ Grace with Pierce and was devastated when she heard about the accident. She had such kind words when she spoke of him. It’s time this country and our leaders stand up to this issue. Accidents do happen but in saying that, there also has to be responsibility for one’s actions as in this horrible situation. May God be your comfort and strength 🙏🏻✝️

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  24. My heart is broken for your family! My family stands with you as fellow Christians and as Americans! Prayers for your broken hearts. Prayers that justice will prevail for your precious son, Pierce.

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  25. My heart breaks for the Corcoran family and I am very sorry for the loss of their beautiful son, Pierce. This has hit especially close to home: My husband is a captain with the Sweetwater Fire Department and we have a 21 year old son. It could have been our son, DJ. I hope there is justice for your family, as no parent should go through this tragic event. If you want to be a citizen of our beautiful country, then do it the proper, legal way. Prayers lifted for all of you at this difficult time. We are truly sorry for your loss.

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  26. When we saw the story in the newspaper and recognized the name we immediately contacted our friends Virgil and Paulette who told us of the relationship and spoke very highly of your son. We are keeping you all in prayer for comfort during this horrible time, it’s such a shame.

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  27. I have your whole family in my prayers and have since this horrible thing happened I also pray for Jada. I know she must be hurting like the rest of the family. I will continue to pray for you all

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  28. Wow, very powerful message. Illegal in the US should not be allowed. We stand tall by the laws as written and honor them. For us Americans, failure to obey results in penalty or punishment. Though no words can take away the pain of a child, you raised him the way he should follow. God had a different plan and we don’t understand, but keep the faith and trust in him as he will help you through these dark hours. Remembering the Corcoran family in prayer.

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  29. Time passes but you will always remember those special moments. In 1964 my sister was killed in a car wreck. She graduated from college in May, married in June, and died in the car accident on December 30. There are not many days that pass that I do not think of her. I feel your pain. Her husband nor the driver of the other car was an illegal person but there are other circumstances that I will not mention that give me empathy to you and your family. May God show you peace that only He can.

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  30. Praying for your family. My son will soon be 22. I try not to live in fear of this sort of thing happening but, I know it could. We or from a small town of cleveland tx. We too or Christian an have raised our son in the love of Jesus.
    I have no words to ease your pain but to cling to Jesus. HE IS OUR GREAT HOPE OUR SAVIOR. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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  31. Wrapping you in hugs and prayers my dear!!!!!! I pray so,etching is done about Chapman Hwy and I pray people like the one who hit him are given their due justice but deport him for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  32. I am so sorry for your loss!

    I know the horror your family is facing and I wish I had something that would help. There is nothing I can say that will make this better. Our daughter’s name was Hannah.

    It is good to see you intend to use your horrific loss for a purpose.

    This is what I believe is going to happen in the next 24-72 hours. I believe by this time next week you are going to be on several national news programs and numerous politicians of stature are going to reach out to you. I would not be at all surprised if you even find yourself as a guest at the State of the Union Speech.

    I was where you are in your loss and where I believe your story is about to go (National platform.) I want to encourage/ warn you to be careful whom you trust/ choose to work with in advancing your goals. Your story is VERY compelling and there will be people who try to co-opt it for their purposes. Don’t let anyone move you from YOUR GOALS. Remember this “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16.

    I think you have the opportunity to be on the forefront of important local, state, and federal discussions. I know you are about to do something very significant and you will see great victories. I expect there will be legislation and chances to influence policies. These victories feel so good but at the same time they crush you. You get the victory but the next day you wake up and the crushing pain of being the parent of a dead child is still with you. There will never be enough victories to heal that pain. Time will help but you have suffered a primal loss and this pain will never cease. Don’t waste your pain but don’t expect the victories are going to make it better.

    I know what is like to lose a child and know that it should not have happened. I would just close with Genesis 50:20 “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”

    Stephen Eimers
    Lenoir City, TN
    National Highway Safety Advocate

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  33. Until people stop thinking its wrong to want border security this will keep happening, we can’t go to any other country without going thru the proper channels–how many have to die before there is a change?? I pray for you, your parents and your family, i ask JESUS to wrap you all in his loving hands and give you strength and help you to understand–also help you know that this wonderful young man’s life truly had a purpose, and he will live on in the good he accomplished, May GOD give you Peace in the days to come, with Love..

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  34. It’s unbearable as a mother to even think of the pain you all are going through. I pray God give you comfort in your pain and strength for your battle. Let Him be your guide as you fight for justice for your son. My heart breaks for you all. God bless you

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  35. I am so sorry for the loss of your son By looking at his picture I could tell he was a good young man & reading your letter …he sure did not deserve what happened to him , I know he’s with the Angels ..My prayers 🙏are with your Family & his friends May God Be with You All
    Sincerely Mary Ann Edwards

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  36. I’m so s ok try for the loss of this young man, a life just beginning. In a lot is states immigrants are given drivers license, yes he shouldn’t be working. Unfortunately we had a young man hit by a ex police officer who was intoxicated at the time of the accident, had a license, this young man died from the results of the inhuries, unfortunatly the victim was an immigrant and no fuss has been made…no charges pending nothing nada

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  37. Eternal rest grant unto his oh Lord, and may the Perpetual Light shine upon him. There are no words, only justice and mercy. May you experience both. Amen. Be strong for his sake and to see change.

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